Dental Implants Surgeon
Dental Implants Surgery & Aesthetics
Implant Masters UCLA Implant Dentistry 2009
Graduated from Melbourne University with a Bachelor of Dental Science in 1995, began implant surgery in 2002.
Advanced clinical residency in 2009 under Dr. Alex Fibishenko and then joining the All on 4 teams as a foundation member shortly after.
In 2014 Joe built his own general anesthetic facilities making Kew our second Melbourne location with an onsite surgical facility.
Dr. Xanthopoulos is a member of the Australian Dental Association (ADA), Australiasian Osseointegration Society (AOS), Australian Society of Implant Dentistry.
Dr Xanthopoulos is always continuing his studies and keeping up with the latest techniques and developing skills.
All-On-4-Clinic’s team clinicians have been handpicked for their expertise in the various aspects of immediate teeth replacement and dental implants.
All-On-4 and the newer All-On-4-Plus and Zygoma-Plus teeth replacement solutions are the foundations and focus All-On-4-Clinic brand.
All On 4 dental implants are a practical solution for people missing some or all of their teeth, even if they have a poor or thin jawbone.