This patient has lost numerous back teeth over time and was finding it difficult to chew. He was also conscious of the gappy appearance and didn\u2019t like his smile. He had gum disease which resulted in the splaying and looseness of his teeth. The patient had an adequate quantity of bone for All On 4 but the quality of the bone was poor.
As such we raised the possibility that due to the poor quality bone in the upper jaw we could not be certain that four fixtures would be enough to support full set teeth replacement in the long term.
However, as there was not enough bone in the back of the upper jaw for any such additional fixtures in the future we recommended considering OPTIONAL bone grafting done simultaneously with All On 4 treatment so as to build up the bone reserves for improved contingency. We would then monitor his progress over time before we determine whether additional implants are required. The healing of the implants was unremarkable and as it turned out after 3 years in the function we were able to ascertain that the four original implants were indeed enough for long-term support.
However, this patient developed a heavy bite and there was a problem with the improved biting pressures which were beyond the tolerance of the acrylic prosthesis, and a crack developed over time The long term treatment was completed without additional implants only with upgrading his upper and lower teeth to the much more durable Zirconia bridge.
1. This pictures shows the teeth on presentation with gaps in the back and splaying teeth.
2. The patient was treated with dental implants and fixed acrylic prostheses were immediately attached to the fixtures.
3. After 3 years the acrylic teeth were replaced with the zirconia set shown in this picture.
4. The Zirconia offers a far more durable long term solution.
5. ["The x-ray shows 4 fixtures in each upper and lower jaw","and the white dense supra-structures are the zirconia bridges. The whiteness represents the density","which in turn reflects the physical properties of Zirconia."]
The permanent replacement of teeth with the All-On-4® dental implants system at our clinic offers a fixed alternative to dentures or deteriorated teeth.
All On 4 Clinic offers immediate teeth replacement solutions that are aesthetic, functional and comfortable, as well as various affordable upgrade options with Zirconia and...
All-On-4-Clinic’s team clinicians have been handpicked for their expertise in the various aspects of immediate teeth replacement and dental implants.